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to the future

meet rebekah

I bring all of these hats to your table -- the designer, the artist, the planner, the business owner, the legal mind, and more. It brings us joy to creatively solve every request or challenge brought. And I'm not afraid of a budget either. I think the best producers know how to use the cards they have and yield great results. It's my job to connect the dots. And my team and I can't wait to take the burden of "the how" off of your mind.

the 90 day plan

Over the next three months, we will work on social media and marketing, business strategy and opportunities, and legal functionalities. Let's review the goals, and the investment to get there. All prices listed below reflect price-bundle consideration. This is not a la carte pricing.


Content curation and renovation of your various digital spaces will be our focus. 

Photoshoot Setup
Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 8.08.36 AM.png
Modern Living Room


Lifestyle Photoshoot & Videoshoot on a Saturday (6HR total)

- Photographer (2HR - Group and Solo shots; including edits) -$550

- Videographer (3HR - including edits) - $500

- Space Rental - $450 or less

- Creative Direction, Content Preparation and Day Of - $499

- Makeup Artist (You are hiring your preference.)

TOTAL - $1,999 +


Planning Meeting & Social Media Curation

- 2 HR Creative Planning & Strategy Meeting (Monday preferred) - $500

- Design and Editing - $1,200

- Social Media Management 30-Day Retainer - $1,600

Website Renovation

- Update the current website with a new layout and content - $1,249+

Customer Survey, Pitch Deck & Press Kit

- Facilitating and analyzing the customer survey - $549

- Designing the avatar for the company and the press materials - $749

TOTAL - $5,847+ 

GOALS for the NEXt 30

It is important to secure all of your assets and business as you plan to expand. Let's get the foundation secure so we can build with security.


Business and legal systems for intellectual property protection and sustainability

Business Meeting
Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 8.08.07 AM.png
Contemporary Boardroom


Planning Meetings (2HR each; Monday's or Saturday's preferred)

- First Check-in: Business Structure & Client Experience - $500

- Second Meeting: Curriculum Development I - $500

- Third Meeting: Legal Consultation - $500

- Fourth Meeting: Curriculum Development II - $500

On-Going Retainers

- Design and Editing - $1,200

- Social Media Management 30-Day Retainer - $1,600

Advertisements on Various Social Media Platforms

- Advertisement Budget - $250+

TOTAL - $5,050+ 


Contract Drafting & Negotiation 

- New Contracts for Private Contractors - $1,800 (Budget at 4ppl)

Curriculum Development

- Design and Copyright Curriculum - $1,100 (Budget at 2 workshops)

- License Agreement Template for Curriculum - $450

- Building Virtual School Platform - $649+

TOTAL - $3,999+ 

GOALS for THE LasT 30

This is the time we use to make sure our strategies, websites, platforms and plans are functioning greater than expected. We will use this time to create the tracks for 2022 and beyond.


All of the strategies are in motion and now we are evaluating and adapting.

Candles & Plants


Check-ins (2HR each; Monday's or Saturday's preferred)

- First Check-in: Business Structure & Client Experience - $500

- Second Check-in: Curriculum Development I - $500

- Third Check-in: Legal Consultation - $500

- Fourth Check-in: Curriculum Development II - $500

On-Going Retainers

- Design and Editing - $1,200

- Social Media Management 30-Day Retainer - $1,600

Advertisements on Various Social Media Platforms

- Advertisement Budget - $250+

TOTAL - $5,050+ 

ready to bloom?

Let's talk and hit the ground running. 

 90 Day Investment - $21,945+ 

If you elect to invest in your business with all of the bundles and services listed above, this will be your grand total. If you've reviewed this proposal and you want to revisit your goals and your budget, we are happy to have that conversation.


90 Day Measurable Goals 

  • Increase of followers on Instagram by 3,000 or more (We're aiming for 20,000+!)

  • Increased engagement with followers on social media

  • Increased sales of products with the use of ads and commission-based sales strategy with internal staff

  • At least 60 more educational assets (video or text) produced for the social media feeds and the renovated website 

  • At least 3-email marketing campaigns to increase engagement with clientele and sell more products

  • Develop a follow-up system with clients so they are aware of the post-care products available to them from the store

  • Develop, protect and license the curriculum and its platform for virtual and in-person training

  • Designing a pitch deck for future business and press opportunities

  • New image-based website promoting an upsell of related services and products

  • Overall, accomplishing the full-picture of all Fleur de Lis has to offer and creating a standardized model to replicate for future expansion

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